How Much Does Landscaping Cost? - An Overview

Home improvements are a part of life, and no property ever remains the same.

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Landscaping is one of the great improvements people tend to make to their properties. Like any other changes you can make to your home, there is a question that needs answering: how much does landscaping cost?

This article takes a brief look at some of the factors that influence the overall cost of a landscaping project.

There are a number of factors to consider for your next landscaping venture, and they include:

  • location
  • labor
  • size of the area
  • design
  • type

For the purpose of this simple overview, we will focus on the last two factors which are the design and type of landscaping.

Landscaping Design

Many people tend to choose attractive and somewhat unique designs, and there's nothing wrong with that.

What many of them don’t know is that the outcome of the design involves countless hours of planning and skill. This means the architects and workers will put a ton of work into your project way before you know it.

So before choosing a design, do some homework and find out realizing the design entails.

Landscaping Type

There are three main types of landscaping:

  1. Hardscaping
  2. Softscaping
  3. Xeriscaping

All three of them come with their own cost tendencies and challenges.


Hardscaping involves the use of bricks, stones or metal to make your back or front yard look more attractive.


Softscaping has a lot to do with the maintenance of plants, bushes and trees. This may sound easy to accomplish but still needs expert advice.

You will need to know the types of plants that are easier to maintain over others; this will help you maintain a good looking yard throughout the seasons.


Xeriscaping is a type of landscaping that seeks to bring dry land - for example, areas where there is a little to no water - back to life.

With this type of landscaping, the ground is given native plants that are able to survive in areas with a scarcity of water. The selection of those plants will play a huge role in the cost of the project.


There truly is no simple answer to the question of how much landscaping costs. It depends entirely on your property, the type of landscaping you want, and countless other individual factors.

Like other home improvements, doing research before you begin is essential. Find something you like and make an informed decision about it.

If you'd like to turn your yard into a beautiful landscape without paying an arm and a leg for professional services, check out this review of the Ideas 4 Landscaping program. You could also check out this article on the blog.

I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below.


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